Best Picture
Suchtpotential - Franz Josef Danner
Best Narrative Film
Suchtpotential - Franz Josef Danner
Best Indie Film
Feté - Andrii Lantukh, Luis Quijano
Best Comedy
Suchtpotential - Franz Josef Danner
Best Music Video
InSammer - Endless Sky - Can Katipzade
Best Original Story
The Black Ace - Richard M. Kates
Best Screenplay
In My Head - Daphne Robinson
Best First Time Screenwriter
In My Head - Daphne Robinson
24-Hour Screenwriting Challenge Winner
One Brother Standing - Nader Bahu
24-Hour Screenwriting Challenge Runner-Up
There's Always One - Liesel Galletly
Special Jury Award
3:33pm - Steve Freehauf
Special Jury Award
Everything We Have, & Don't - Justin Moodie
Special Jury Award
Palm Tree - Chris Payton
Winners may order the official FilmCon Awards statuette
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