Best Picture
What If - Tammy Klembith
Best Narrative Film
There's No Hell Like Home - Russell Southam
Best Horror
What If - Tammy Klembith
Best Action Film
Deliverance - Logan Solana
Best Director
What If - Tammy Klembith
Best Original Story
There's No Hell Like Home - Russell Southam
Best Short Screenplay
Heavy Hitter - Liesel Galletly
Best Western Screenplay
Three for Hire: Shadow Assassins - Dan Burle
24 Hour Screenwriting Challenge Winner
The X-Files: The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch - Brett Howard Nelson
24 Hour Screenwriting Challenge Runner-Up
You Should Write a Book, Dodger - Christan van Slyke
Winners may order the official FilmCon Awards statuette
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