Best Picture
My Dinner With Werner - Maverick Moore
Best Narrative Film
My Dinner With Werner - Maverick Moore
Best Indie Film
forty eight - Alan Bohms
Best Animation
Timeless - Susan Mey Lee Lim, Samudra Kajal Saikia, Christina Teenz Tan
Best Music Video
Truth or Dare - Do No Harm - Rebekkah Hilgraves
Best Director
The Lights of Dawn - Sadie Duarte
Best Song
Timeless - Ron J Danziger, Christina Teenz Tan
Best Screenplay Feature
The Legend Of Adoria - Sophia Porter, Tracy Morse
24-Hour Screenwriting Challenge Winner
Def Tone - Brett Howard Nelson
24-Hour Screenwriting Challenge Runner-Up
Thank You For Your Kindness - Kristian Pedersen
Special Jury Award
Out of this World - Surina Nel
Special Jury Award
Do You Not Understand English? - Liesel Galletly
Special Jury Award
The White Noise - Helena Norma
Winners may order the official FilmCon Awards statuette
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